MATLAB: Does Build fail during Hardware Setup for Simulink Android Support Package for R2018a and R2018b


Build fails during the Hardware Setup with the following failure
Build App A problem occurred configuring root project 'TestApp'. > No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: mips64el-linux-android *

Best Answer

Use the following workaround, only if you get the error mention Question section.
To resolve the issue for R2018a,
This issue is with new NDK version. Use this work around for now to get started with Android Support Package. Attached the file. It contains 5 files. In MATLAB, go to path where you have placed that unzipped folder and then open the androidfix.m file and click on Run button. Now try Hardware Setup again. If copy files, start MATLAB as administrator.
To resolve the issue for R2018b,
This issue is with new NDK version. Use this work around for now to get started with Android Support Package. Attached the file. It contains 5 files. In MATLAB, go to path where you have placed that unzipped folder and then open the androidfix.m file and click on Run button. Now try Hardware Setup again. If copy files, start MATLAB as administrator.