MATLAB: Does “Auto Width” feature not adapt to table axes size in GUIDE


I'm trying to understand why in GUIDE, when I insert a table element, in the "Table Property Editor", the "Auto Width" feature does not automatically fill in the axes with the total width of the table columns. It seems the number of pixels that is being used as the "maximum width" of the table is being set to something other than the axes width. That seems counterintuitive to me. Is there a way to enable Matlab to, by default, expand the table columns automatically to fill in its containing axes? I spend a lot of time trying to manually adjust these to make it fit.

Best Answer

Not that I've been able to figure out. I've noticed also that AutoSize columns does not work for GUIDE. But Autosize is supposed to size the column width according to the widest cell contents in each column, not autosize columns to the width of the table control on your GUI.
The Mathworks is not putting any more work into GUIDE. They're focusing solely on App Designer from now on, so there will be no fix coming from them.