MATLAB: Does a Simulink Desktop Real-Time model fail to start, freeze at T = 0, or report a timeout if I run it on Windows using MATLAB R2017b or R2018a

Real-time simulation of a Simulink Desktop Real-Time model might fail to start, freeze at Time = 0, or report a timeout when trying to run the model in real time on specific CPU hardware configurations with any Windows OS.

Best Answer

This bug was fixed as of R2018a Update 4 and R2017b Update 8. Please refer to the External Bug Report below for more information:
Please note that after applying the MATLAB Update, it is necessary to re-install the updated real-time kernel to the operating system. This can be done by entering the below command into the MATLAB Prompt:
>> sldrtkernel -setup
As an immediate work-around, you may try to execute the following commands before starting the real-time simulation:
k = RT.Kernel;
k.DebugConfig(1) = 2;