MATLAB: Do i receive the error “Error using feval


Why do i receive the error "Error using feval
Error: <a href="matlab:opentoline('C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\MATLAB|DOSEN.m',84,47)">File: DOSEN.m Line:84 Column: 47</a>
Expression or statement is incorrect–possibly unbalanced(,{,or[.
Error in guidefunc>layoutActivate (line 1157)
Error in guidefunc(line 13)
varargout=layoutActivate(varargin{:}); ?

Best Answer

Your file MATLAB|DOSEN.m has a syntax error, and GUIDE is not able to open it properly for editing . The error is on line 84, column 47.
With the information given, we do not know what is at that line.
You will need to use the regular edit features to fix that syntax error before you can continue with GUIDE.
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