MATLAB: ¿Why do I get a compilation error when building Quadrocopter example

build errorparrot minidronequadrocopter

I follow the steps described in the documentation to run a simulink model on a Parrot Minidrone hardware.
I successfully deploy the gettingstarted example. The Quadrocopter model has some issue with inports and outports. I did not change anything in the example model. I only follow the described steps and build the model.

Best Answer

Hi Jon, I believe you are using the shipped version on the quadcopter model in R2017a. The shipped model needs to be updated.
In R2017a
Please follow instructions in the following report to update the quadcopter example in R2017a:
Then, open the example by entering the following command in MATLAB:
>> asbQuadcopterStart
These should resolve the issues you are seeing.