MATLAB: Do graphics applications appear different when executing standalone as compared to their appearance inside MATLAB as MATLAB files

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Graphics applications appear different when executing standalone as compared to their appearance inside MATLAB as MATLAB files.
For example, the Figure Window Menu Bar is different.

Best Answer

Stand-alone versions of graphics applications typically look and operate the same as their MATLAB file counterparts. However, because standalone applications run outside the MATLAB environment, there are some differences. These differences are mentioned below:
1. Changes to Figure Window Menu Bar Options
Stand-alone graphics applications use a special version of the Figure window menu bar that contains only the File menu option. The graphics library excludes the other standard menu bar items, such as Edit, Tools, and Help, from the menu bar because stand-alone graphics applications cannot support many of the options available through these menus.
Changes to the Figure Window File Menu Options
The graphics library excludes options from the File menu that are not supported by stand-alone applications, such as the Page Setup option.
The graphics library includes the Print option in the File menu of stand-alone graphics applications. However, the Print option in stand-alone applications does not display the Print dialog box, as it does for MATLAB file applications.
2. Accessing Help in Standalone Applications
Some MATLAB file applications include GUI components that provide access to MATLAB help. If you click on the Info button, you get an error message such as the following:
An error occurred in the callback : lorenz('info')
The error message caught was: ERROR: Function "helpwin" is not supported in standalone applications
3. Ctrl+C Handling
When you run a graphics application within MATLAB, you can press Ctrl+C to break infinite loops. For example, you can press Ctrl+C to stop an animation. When you run a C or C++ stand-alone application, Ctrl+C handling is not supported.