MATLAB: Deplyoed executable file doesn’t read *.MAT file

matlab guineural network

I am working on classification using Neural Network tool.I've made a GUI which will take user given data attributes and classify it by the trained neural network and will show the perfect class of the product where does it belong.This GUI,who is taking some stored data by loading a *.mat file, is working great while running on Matlab but when I've deployed this GUI and a standalone exe file's been produced then it's become unable to read anything from the *.mat file but doing the rest activities fine (apart from reading the data from the .mat file). Please anybody knowing the remedy of that problem reply me.How I'll be able to make read that standalone executable file the data from that .MAT file ? Thank you.

Best Answer

When you load tour mat file, did you use
load('yourmatfile') % This recognize the current folder in Matlab but not in your executable
You should use