MATLAB: Why “datestr” in matlab and date format cell in excell doesnt match

matlab+datestr+excel+cell format+date

Hi all, I have a date number , say 40667. When I am using datestr in matlab , it gives me 5 May, however I have the same number 40667 in excel sheet, when I use the date cell format(by clicking right->format cells-> date) , it gives me 4 May. However as far as I know the 4 May should be the right one. does anybody know why Matlab does not gives me the same result? and why there is mismatch between Matlab and Excel? Appreciated !

Best Answer

>> datestr( 40667, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' )
ans =
0111-05-05 00:00:00
Start of time with Matlab is year 0 and with Excel 1900. See documentation.