MATLAB: Why ‘colormap’ did not change the color of the plots

colorcolormapmatlab colorplots

figure, plot(rand(5))
colormap hot
above code did not change the color of plot.

Best Answer

If you want to change the color of the lines based on a colormap, you can apply those colors to the "ColorOrder" property of the axes.
h = plot(rand(5));
% Create a colormap based on the number of lines in your plot
cmap = hot(numel(h)); %you can use any colormap here
% Apply the colors to the lines
set(gca, 'ColorOrder', cmap)
Alternatively, you can apply the colors to the color handles of line objects,
set(h,{'Color'}, mat2cell(cmap,ones(numel(h),1),3))
Note that if your really want to use "hot", you'll end up with yellow and white lines wich are difficult or impossible to see against the default white axis. In that case you can change the axis colors to some other dark color.
set(gca, 'Color', [.2 .2 .2])
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