MATLAB: Can’t I see parameters when I use get_param


Hello all!
I need to get values from simulink blocks. In order to do that, I need to use get_param i.e get_param( sys, 'ParameterName') but, when I write "Value" for "ParameterName", I get "block(mask) does not have a parameter named 'Value'.
Ok. So I wanted to know, what are the parameter names for this block. I used, get_param(sys , 'ObjectParameters') -also I used 'DialogParameters'- but I did'nt get any parameter names. just theese;
[1x1 struct]
[1x1 struct]
[1x1 struct]
Note: I am working with different library other than default in simulink library.
Also, if it is any help; the block has 2 parameters when I double-click it on simulink; "Variable Name" and "Value" and these are linked to a .mat file. Like Variable Name = Example, Value = CAL.Example.dat and from the workspace when you open CAL.Example you can see several of parameters like name, data_unit, data… I need to get these data value exactly.
Thanks in advance, also sorry in advance I am new at matlab also new at here, I hope I didn't mess this up.

Best Answer

Okay I found it, but it does not make any sense for me right now.
I used get_param('sys/BlockPath', 'DialogParameters') : which gave me the exact paramaters for only that block. but all blocks of that type uses the same parameters so all is well.