MATLAB: Why cant i click the checkbox in UItable

MATLABmatlab gui

I have made a UItable in matlab Guide but i am not able to work with my checkbox.
And another problem is,i have created only 6 columns but why do i get 8 columns with my code.Kindly help me with this.I am attaching my code i have made and also a photo of the table i prepared.
function TerrainGUI_v2_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.
% hObject handle to figure
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% varargin command line arguments to TerrainGUI_v2 (see VARARGIN)
type_environment ={'Segm', 'Arc' ,'Circuit', 'Intersection' ,'Round', 'Spline'};
type_Location ={'City', 'Country' ,'Highway'};
slope = [{''}];
len_Portions = [{''} {''} slope];
radius_Portions = [{''}];
authorised ={f} ;
tabledata =[type_environment(1) type_Location(1) len_Portions slope radius_Portions authorised]; be added that if i add a straight line i should disable the radius of portions
Column_to_affect = 5;
tabledata (:,Column_to_affect) = cellfun(@num2str, tabledata(:,Column_to_affect), 'uniform', 0);
columnname ={'Environment','Location','Length of Portions','Slope','Radius of portions','Authorised'};
columnformat = {type_environment,type_Location,'numeric','numeric','numeric','logical'};
columneditable = [true true true true true false] ;
set(handles.table_Tracks,'ColumnName',columnname,'Data',tabledata,'ColumnFormat', columnformat,'ColumnEditable', columneditable,'RowName',[],'BackgroundColor',[.7 .9 .8],'ForegroundColor',[0 0 0] );
% Choose default command line output for TerrainGUI_v2
handles.output = hObject;
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);

Best Answer

slope = [{''}];  

so slope is a cell array with one entry that is an empty character vector

len_Portions = [{''} {''} slope]; 

so len_Portions is a cell array with two empty character vectors followed by the content of slope that is one empty character vector, making len_Portions a cell array with three empty character vectors

 tabledata =[type_environment(1) type_Location(1) len_Portions slope radius_Portions authorised]; be added that if i add a straight line i should disable the radius of portions

type_environment(1) is one entry

type_location(1) is the second entry, so total 2 after the end of it

len_Portions is the next three entries, so total 5 after the end of it

slope is the next entry, so total 6 after the end of it

radius_Portions is the next entry, so total 7 after the end of it

authorized is the next (and last) entry, so total 8 after the end of it

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