MATLAB: Can I check out a Parallel Computing Toolbox license from the license server manually, but it fails to check out when running a parallel job or opening a parpool

Parallel Computing Toolbox

I am only using a Network license of MATLAB which contains a Parallel Computing Toolbox license seat. I can check out MATLAB and other toolboxes successfully, and I can manually check out a Parallel Computing Toolbox license from the srver, but Parallel Computing jobs fail stating that there is no Parallel Computing Toolbox license available, when there should be one available according to the network license manager.
I have tried manually checking out the license before running my parallel job, using:
license checkout Distrib_Computing_Toolbox
This returns:
ans = 1
However, when running a parallel job or attempting to open a parpool, the workers fail to start and I receive an error indicating there is no Distrib_Computing_Toolbox license available.

Best Answer

This problem may be due to a bug in the network license manager versions from MATLAB R2015a and older; FlexLM and MLM version
Updating your license manager to the latest version may resolve the problem. This bug has been resolved in the R2015b version,
Instructions for updating the license manager are available here:
How do I install or update the License Manager for a network license?
If you encounter this problem after updating the license manager, please contact MathWorks support