MATLAB: Are there differences in AUTOSAR code generation for the files Platform_Types.h and Rte_Type.h between R2017b and R2019a

autosarAUTOSAR Blocksetcodegenerationtypedefs

I have some questions regarding differences in AUTOSAR code generated in R2017b and R2019a. In R2017b, my generated code contains the files Rte_Type.h and Platform_Types.h. The Platform_Types.h file contains typedefs for AUTOSAR Mapping types and Rte_Type.h contains typedefs for the Primitive types.
However in R2019a, Platform_Types.h now has the typedefs for the Primitive types. Why is there this difference?

Best Answer

Until MATLAB R2018a, Embedded Coder provided users with the option of replacing the Platform_Types.h and RTE_Type.h file with a custom file that contained the typedefs. This is why, in R2017b, you see type RTE_Type.h containing the typedefs for Primitive types. Additionally, due to this customization option, both files are made available under the Stub folder in the code-generation folder.
However, between R2018b and R2019a, the AUTOSAR Platform and Primitive types are both being generated in the Platform_Types. h file, which now needs to be included during compile-time. This is the reason you no longer see Platform_Types.h listed under the stub folder. To illustrate this in more detail, I recommend looking at the comments at the top of Platform_Types.h and RTE_Type.h in both, R2017b and R2019a. In R2017b, you'll notice that the comments suggest replacing both files with a custom RTE_Type file, whereas this is no longer mentioned in R2019a. For more information on this, please review the following documentation page that highlights the change between MATLAB releases for this specific feature -