MATLAB: Are some block names hidden in a model that I open in Simulink R2017b


I opened a Simulink model from an earlier version in Release 2017b and noticed that some block names have disappeared. What happened and how can I recover the names?

Best Answer

This behavior is due to the block parameter 'HideAutomaticName' and model parameter 'HideAutomaticNames' which have been introduced in Release 2017b:
As both new parameters are set to 'on' by default, all blocks in your model that have an automatic block name, such as "Integrator", "Gain", "Constant1", etc., are not going to be displayed in Simulink R2017b.
Possible Workarounds:
Option 1:
  1. Click on the "Display" tab on the menu options at the top of the Simulink model editor.
  2. Then uncheck the "Hide Automatic Names" option.
Option 2:
In case you do not want to deactivate the *Hide Automatic Names *option, you may programatically modify the model properties with the following code:
>> load_system('trial')
>> set_param('trial','HideAutomaticNames','off')