MATLAB: Why am I getting error when I detect dataset with SVM

image processingMATLABsupport vector machinesvm

actually i have problem with method support vector machine (SVM), i didn't detect my dataset in the program.
here is the error:
Error using svmtrain (line 230)
svmtrain has been removed. Use fitcsvm instead.
Error in multisvm (line 28)
svmStruct = svmtrain(T,newClass);
Error in Detect (line 144)
result = multisvm(Train_Feat,Train_Label,test);
here is the code:
% Load All The Features
% Put the test features into variable 'test'
test = feat_disease;
result = multisvm(Train_Feat,Train_Label,test);
% Visualize Results
if result == 0
helpdlg(' Alternaria Alternata ');
disp(' Alternaria Alternata ');
elseif result == 1
helpdlg(' Anthracnose ');
elseif result == 2
helpdlg(' Bacterial Blight ');
disp(' Bacterial Blight ');
elseif result == 3
helpdlg(' Cercospora Leaf Spot ');
disp('Cercospora Leaf Spot');
elseif result == 4
helpdlg(' Healthy Leaf ');
disp('Healthy Leaf ');
%% Evaluate Accuracy
Accuracy_Percent= zeros(200,1);
for i = 1:500
data = Train_Feat;
%groups = ismember(Train_Label,1);
groups = ismember(Train_Label,0);
[train,test] = crossvalind('HoldOut',groups);
cp = classperf(groups);
svmStruct = svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',false,'kernel_function','linear');
classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,data(test,:),'showplot',false);
Accuracy = cp.CorrectRate;
Accuracy_Percent(i) = Accuracy.*100;
Max_Accuracy = max(Accuracy_Percent);
sprintf('Accuracy of Linear Kernel with 500 iterations is: %g%%',Max_Accuracy)

Best Answer

You are getting that error because svmtrain was removed as of R2018a, which they started warning about in R2017a, after having introduced the replacement routines in R2014a.
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