MATLAB: Whts the conclusion should be for this


please help me with this questions. I have done it but i dont know whts the conclusion should be. i will appreciate if someone can give me a conclusion. The question is below
The command A=randi([1 6]),n,5), where n > 0 is a positive integer, produces a matrix A having n rows and 5 columns consisting of random integers between 1 and 6. Produce a script that asks for a positive integer n > 0 and that then:
Creates the vector v such that v(k) is the sum of the k-th row of A. Then a plot is created in a figure window using the following commands:
histogram(v,'normalization','probability') (please explain wht this command does?)
hold on
ezplot('(1/(3.8188*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-(x-17.5)ˆ2/(2*(3.8188ˆ2)))',[5 30]) (please explain wht this command does?
By making n large (about 5000) draw a conclusion from the obtained figure (note that each row of A can be interpreted as the outcome of throwing 5 dice).

Best Answer

Line 6 of your code is wrong - it should be
B = A(:, 2:2:end);
Line 7 is not how most MATLAB programmers would do it. It should be
v = sum(A, 2);
For your conclusion, see the Central Limit Theorem.