MATLAB: Who could get all the data in the attached file by the matlab


Who could get all the data in the attached file by the matlab? I do not need the text words, but only need the data in two column?Who can help me?

Best Answer

>> rgx = '([-+]?\d+\.?\d*([eE][-+]?\d+)?)';
>> str = fileread('tem-001.txt');
>> tkn = regexp(str,[rgx,'\s+',rgx],'tokens');
>> mat = str2double(vertcat(tkn{:}))
mat =
0.025788 0.0045471
0.016141 0.0093192
0.0088788 0.010581
0.0040584 0.01115
-1.2949e-12 0.0112
-0.0040227 0.011052
-0.0090357 0.010768
-0.015782 0.009112
-0.025416 0.0044815