MATLAB: Who can use the matlab compiler

matlab compiler use

I have matlab lisense and now downloading matlab compiler, but as I understand from the steps written on your web page, you have to download the compiler on the computer you have to run your program, then I cant see the reason of using it; I thought that a person who didt have matlab could run my programme on his or her computer . Or is it possible for me who has Matlab to send a compiled file or something to that person so he or she can run the programme?

Best Answer

MATLAB Compiler can be used to convert MATLAB .m (and related) source files into a .exe . The .exe can then be sent to someone who does not have MATLAB to run, and that person will not need any kind of MATLAB license to run the .exe . They will, however, need to download a program known as MCR (MATLAB Component Runtime). They will need one copy of MCR for each different MATLAB release that was used to build an .exe that they use.
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