MATLAB: Whitebg limitations on color


I accidently changed my figure option of MATLAB R2016a. whitebg made my figure background turn into gray
To make it default, i commanded 'whitebg('w')', but it does not change into complete white,In another way,
white must be [1 1 1] in color map, and i commanded 'whitebg([1 1 1])', and checked it through 'gcf' command, it showed that color is [0.855387679992951 0.855387679992951 0.855387679992951].
Why does it have limitation? why cannot have complete white?

Best Answer

Hello Hong,
The function 'whitebg' will change the background color of the axes, not the figure. See the documentation for 'whitebg':
To change the background color for the figure (i.e. the window) you can use the following command:
which will set the background color of the current figure to white. Here is a related MATLAB Answers post about changing the default background color: