MATLAB: White space in cell array

cell arraywhitespace

am using textscan to read text file and I get <55x1 cell> examples:
'aa a aa'
'a aaaa a'
'a = aaaaa'
' a a a aaa'
I want to delete the white spaces in each sting. for example, If I have a sting
string = 'I am 24 Years old'
And I use
string(ismember(string,' ')) = [];
it will eliminate the spaces and I will get
But with the cell doesn't work or I don't know how to do it How can I do that? any suggestions please?

Best Answer

string = 'I am 24 Years old';
strrep(string,' ','');
for cell array
string = {'I am 24 Years old';'I am 24 Years old'}
strrep(string,' ','');