MATLAB: While loop and if statement to choose between 2 criteria

if statementloopswhile loops

I am looking to write code which gives me x=0 if n=1 and x=7 if n=2 (n being user generated). However I want to continue prompting the user to input n =1 or n=2 if the value the user inputed was different than 1 or 2.

Best Answer

Start off with an n value that allows you to enter the while loop. The while loop should continue as long as n is not 1 or 2. After the while loop is over, you know n is either 1 or 2, so just test the n value and assign x accordingly.
n = 0;
while sum(n==[1 2])<1,
n = input('Please input value for n:\n');
if n==1
x = 0;
x = 7;
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