MATLAB: Which(‘folderName’) – Find the Location of a subdirectory of a directory

directoryfile folderMATLABsubdirectorywhich

Is there a simple way (better than brute force) to treat subdirectories as files and find the subdirectory which is highest on the matlab path?
i.e. if there exists a folder c:\Documents And Settings\user\My Documents\Matlab\myFolderName
%Should return c:\Documents And Settings\user\My Documents\Matlab\myFolderName
Note that parsing the path does not solve this immediately. The brute force way to do this would be something like
P = regexp(path,'[^;]+','match');
allItems = cellfun(@(x) dir(x),P,'UniformOutput',false);
matches = cellfun(@(x) ismember('myFolderName',{}),allItems);
highestMatch = fullfile(P{find(matches,1)},'myFolderName');
But this is ugly and slow. . .

Best Answer

Use the what function instead.