MATLAB: Which one is more important? MSE or input-error correlation

neural networkstime series

I have been training the neural network however I have some questions regarding the results. For some results, the mean squared error is small (for example, 5e-11) but the input-error correlation is very high (all falls under the confidence limit) do I take those as satisfactory? Also, sometimes, for two trained networks, one has a smaller MSE but larger input-error correlation, which one should I pick?
After training the neural network, I saved the advanced scripts as .m files. From there, how do I input new set of inputs to predict the new target?

Best Answer

The objective is to minimize MSE.
A high input/error Xcorr indicates that the MSE can be lowered by modifying the design.
ynew = net(xnew) will predict a new output (NOT a new target...targets are known quantities).
Hope this helps.
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