MATLAB: Which neural network is suitable for the problem

Deep Learning Toolboxneural network

I am working on building a neural network for some data that I have. Its a time series problem but the output is only dependent on the previous time step.
y(t) = f(x1(t),x2(t)….x150(t))
So, for each output I have 150 inputs. Now I have data for a number of timesteps.
The narxnet doesn't seem appropriate as it seems to consider the output to be a function of all previous timesteps. The relationship is highly non-linear.
Please suggest on what you think would be the best solution.

Best Answer

> Its a time series problem but the output is only dependent on the previous time step.
This implies
y(t) = f(x(t-1),y(t-1));
size(x) = [ I N ] % I = 150
size(y) = [ O N ] % O = 1
and can be implemented with
net = narxnet( 1, 1, H);
However, your equation does not contain output feedback. This would mean
y(t) = f(x(t-1));
which can be implemented with
net = timedelaynet(1,H);
> The narxnet doesn't seem appropriate as it seems to consider the output to be a function of all previous timesteps.
net = narxnet(ID,FD,H);
ID is an increasing finite sequence of nonnegative, not necessarily consecutive or equally spaced integers
FD is an increasing finite sequence of positive, not necessarily consecutive or equally spaced, integers
> Please suggest on what you think would be the best solution
1. Substantially reduce the input dimensionality. Using a reduced variable linear model obtained from STEPWISE or STEPWISEFIT may be adequate
for choosing the nonlinear neural net input variables.
2. Try the simple timedelaynet model with H no larger than necessary.
3.If unsuccessful, try the narxnet model H no larger than necessary.
Hope this helps.
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