MATLAB: Which licence source has priority in the MLM_License_File


I work with both network license and individual license. network license are supposed to be used when I have connection to the license server and the individual license when I work offline.
I have the license file stored in the right directory and added it to the three, comma-seperated server addresses in the MLM_License_File. But now Matlab always starts using the individual license, even if I have a connection to the server.
Is there any priority list how the listed license sources are used? I added the license-file path at the end of the list.
Thanks in Advance! -Fabian

Best Answer

I would say the preference would be individual license first and then network license.
But anyway, you can set up the priority by understanding the "license file search path". Run this in MATLAB
web(fullfile(docroot, 'install/ug/understanding-license-files.html#bt_9le3'))