MATLAB: Which is the shortest/simplest way to check a subvector in a vector


For example I would like to check the existence of [1,5] in a larger vector: [2,3,1,5,6,6,1]

Best Answer

Interestingly you can use strfind to locate patterns in numeric vectors as well as in strings. Here are your two examples, the first with a match, the second without:
>> strfind([2,3,1,5,6,6,1], [1,5])
ans =
>> strfind([2,3,1,6,5,6,1], [1,5])
ans =
To turn this into a logical value, simply wrap this with ~isempty:
>> ~isempty(strfind([2,3,1,5,6,6,1], [1,5]))
ans =