MATLAB: Which Area is in right/left side of the other

left-right sidepolyshape

I'm working on a optimisation project. I had a Boundry line that devided the space in several closed-areas.
There is a principale in my work, which says While your moving toward the line, Your righ-side area has 2 more (let say) scores than the left one.
(For example: 1 has two more scores than 6 or 7 has two more scores than 1) and at last, the Area with most scores is the winner.
I have all the points on the lines, and devided them to close-areas using "polyshape" Command, then i got coordinates of evey verteces (by polyshape).
now i don't know how to figure out which is right of which. Do you have any idea about this?

Best Answer

If you are moving along the line you can get direction vector
Then to pick any point left to line:
Any point right to line: