MATLAB: Where is the option “-continue​-with-red-​error” in Polyspace R2009a and R2009b

polyspacePolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

The option "-continue-with-red-error" has been deprecated in PolySpace R2009a. Why, and what is the behaviour of PolySpace when a red error is detected during the verification ?

Best Answer

The option has disappeared in Polyspace R2009a due to changes in the Polyspace architecture.
This option is now set by default. PolySpace no longer stops in the middle of a verification if a red error is found, but will continue until the end of level 4 (by default).
You can see if some errors have appeared during the verification in the "Stats" tab of the Launcher. This feature is also available for remote verifications by using to the "Follow progress" option of the spooler.