MATLAB: Where in the axes properties (or elsewhere) is the “pointer” on the next color of ColorOrder


The command
hold all
holds the current line color in the ColorOrder, so that following plot commands continue cycling through it. This seems to be only a feature of high-level-functions like plot. However, there must be a change in the 'axes properties' (besides the 'NextPlot' property), something like a pointer telling the next plot, which color to be used.
My problem is that I use low-level-function 'line' and want to add another line(s) in the next color of ColorOrder. Is there a more simple way to realize this instead of getting the existing line objects color by some functions as get,findobj and then choosing a non-used color for current line, which could not really considered as cycling.

Best Answer

Maybe not exactly what you wanted but a workaround:
fH = figure;
aH = axes;
lH = plot(rand(10,1),'r');
your_colors = get(fH,'DefaultAxesColorOrder');
colorIdx = find(ismember(your_colors,get(lH,'Color'),'rows'));
nextColorIdx = mod(colorIdx + 1, size(your_colors,1));
nextColor = your_colors(nextColorIdx,:);
I think creating your own custom color order and cycling through it would be better. The snippet I gave you will not work if the color of the line you plot is not in the default colors.