MATLAB: Where can I set the decimal sign used in Clipboard

clipboardlanguage setting

how can I change the decimal sign matlab uses in the clipboard?
If I copy the content of a matrix from Matlab to any other program (with <crtl c>/<crtl v> ro e.g. editor, excel, igor) the decimal "." is replaced by a ",".
I am certain it is a Matlab problem, as coping between other programm does not cause problems.
System information: Matlab 2018a on Win7 German (but decimat sign changed to "." in the windows preferences).
Can someone point me to the place where I can change this setting?

Best Answer

Thanks for the input, however a collegue pointed me to the right positions to change the settings:
Home > preferences > variables > international number handling
I further found the xlswrite comando rather usefull.