MATLAB: Where can I find the Polyspace client-side verification log

Polyspace Client for AdaPolyspace Client for C/C++Polyspace Server for Ada

We explain here where is located the Polyspace verification log

Best Answer

The verification log is located in the results folder. Its name is
Please note that the log file is complete after the end of the verification. It contains only the beginning of the verification (the compilation phase) when the verification is running on a server.
When the verification is finished, the results are downloaded and this log file is updated.
A log file is created for each verification, so a results folder used for several verifications can then contain several log files.
Until Polyspace R2013a, the file *_LAST_RESULTS.rte (also downloaded to the results folder when the remote verification is finished) is a textual file that contains the name of the log to consider (see the last line). Since Polyspace R2013b, only the date allows to know the log file to consider.