MATLAB: Where can I find the model sf_aircontrol that the Stateflow 6.3(R14SP3) PDF documentation refers to


The "Getting Started" section of Stateflow PDF document refers to the model sf_aircontrol. However, if I type the model name at the MATLAB command prompt I get the following error:
??? Undefined function or variable 'sf_aircontrol'.

Best Answer

There is an error in the Stateflow PDF documentation. The sf_aircontrol.mdl file was not part of the product until MATLAB 7.2 (R2006a)
The documentation that you open with the DOC command does not refer to this model. Type the command "doc stateflow" at the MATLAB command prompt to open the Stateflow documentation from within MATLAB. This documentation has tutorials that are based on examples that are shipped with the product.