MATLAB: Where can I find the coefficients for the neural net input elements

neural network

Just tried running a quick run with the Neural Net Fitting tool with 7 input elements and 1 output. Everything looks fine, however I am interested in further analysing the prediction data.
Where can I find the individual coefficients predicted for each for the inputs? Also in general, where can I find all of the raw data associated with these calculations?
Many thanks in advance! Sabin

Best Answer

Typically, the output y is given by
y = B2 + LW*tanh( B1 + IW*x)
B1 input "B"ias net.b{1}
IW "I"nput "W"eights net.IW
LW "L"ayer "W"eights net.LW
B2 output "Bias" net.b{2}
Hope this helps
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