MATLAB: Where can I find an NCO (numerically controlled oscillator) block in the Communications Blockset

communications blocksetcontrollednconumericallyoscillator

I am unable to find an NCO (numerically controlled oscillator) block in the Communications Blockset.

Best Answer

An NCO (numerically controlled oscillator) block is not available in the Communications Blockset Library. This block was added to Signal Processing Blockset 6.2 (R14SP3) and later versions.
The following is a link to documentation of DSP.NCO class in DSP System Toolbox 8.0 (R2011a)
This block is also available in the GSM digital down-converter demo model. You can access this demo model by typing:
At the MATLAB Command Prompt. There is an NCO block (subsystem) implementation at the top level of this model.
Please note that as of R2011a, Communications Blockset and Communications Toolbox are merged and renamed Communications System Toolbox and that the Communications System Toolbox requires the DSP System Toolbox.
To know more about R2011a license related changes please refer to the following document