MATLAB: Where can I find an example of creating custom blocks in Simulink in order to interface them with SimPowerSystems 4.2 (R2006a)


I want an example to create my own block in SimPowerSystems that seamlessly works with Simulink. I could not find a template for this issue.

Best Answer

The documentation on SimPowerSystems does not contain template example for creating blocks to interface with Simulink 6.4 (R2006a).
To work around this issue, download the file below. This zip file contains the following files:
1. power_SLmodeling_R2006a.mdl
2. power_SLmodeling.m and
3. power_SLmodeling_data.m
The model power_SLmodeling_R2006a.mdl illustrates the template that is recommended for creating custom blocks in Simulink to interface them with the SimPowerSystems network. The description of the model is in the MATLAB file power_SLmodeling.m and the data needed for the model is in power_SLmodeling_data.m.