MATLAB: Where can I download the ESRI header files required for ‘globedem’ function

esriglobedemheaderMapping Toolbox

I am using the 'globedem' function to plot data for Southern California by specifying the argument 'e10g'. However, I am unable to find the necessary '.hdr' file that MATLAB prompts the me to point to. 
Please let me know where I can obtain the ESRI header file and where it should be saved for MATLAB to identify it.

Best Answer

The ESRI header files can be obtained from the link below:
The header file is required to read this data and the easiest location to save the file is in the same directory as the binary data file itself.
Further, the reference to a sub folder in the documentation uses the CD’s directory structure.  A similar directory structure exists on the GLOBE website. 
More information can be found in our documentation site: