MATLAB: Where are the bugs for this ODE finite difference problem that solve using Newton Raphson method

finite differnce methodode

Could someone provide me help to solve this Euler-Bernoulli beam equation by using finite difference method and Newton Raphson please.
With boundary value of y(0) = 0 and dy/ds(L) = 0
I am continually getting answers that are nowhere near the results from the bvp4c command.

Best Answer

Here is my attempt
N = 10; % 10 Set parameters
L = 16*0.3048; %meter
b = 19.625 * 0.0254; d = 1.625 * 0.0254;
p = 26.5851; I = (b*(d^3))/12; h = L/N; F = 0.7436; E = 68.9e6;
alpha = (h^2)/(E*I);
w = p*b*d;
fode = @(s,f) [f(2); -1/E/I*(w*(L-s)+F)*cos(f(1))];
fbound= @(ya,yb) [ya(1)-0; yb(2)-0];
ss = linspace(0,5);
finit = [0 0];
solinit = bvpinit(ss,finit);
sol = bvp4c(fode,fbound,solinit);