MATLAB: Whenever I use the mldivide function or \ operator matlab crashes.


As I have mentioned in the title, for some reason whenever I use mldivide or the \ operator Matlab suddenly crashes. ex : s = A\B or s = mldivide(A,B). My variables are quite big : A is 19881×19881 sparse double and B is 19881×1 double.
Could this be why? Am I running out of memory? My PC runs x64 Win10 and has 6Gb of RAM, the Matlab version is 2013b. Note that I do not face the same problem with Lunix on "weaker" machines. Also, it is interesting to note that with older versions of Matlab (like 2009), there is no problem.
I have no idea why this happens and the error message I get before the crash does not present any kind of hint as to what might be causing it. The error message I get is as follows : MATLAB has encountered an internal problem and needs to close. Then there is a bunch of useless info saying that my work is lost and that I need to restart Matlab.
I have searched online to no avail. Any help is very appreciated.
Thanks 🙂
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