MATLAB: Whenever I import data from excel, one of the column that contains values such as 2.1ELKFJQL​HxxxMxxxxx​Sx4xxxIxSx​JJxxxxx, ends up with NaN in Matlab table.

data importimporting excel data

I am working on a table that contains columns such as timestamp, machine status, valueAsString, etc. The problem here is: whenever I upload the excel file with this columns to Matlab, the 'column D' that contains values such as 2.1ELKFJQLHxxxMxxxxxSx4xxxIxSxJJxxxxx ends up with a NaN in Matlab table.
For convenience, I have attached the sample data, and the 'column D', is the one I want to be displayed in the right way in Matlab.

Best Answer

You forgot to post your code. I guess it is:
[num, txt, raw] = xlsread(FileName);
Now you observe, that the file of num is set to NaN, if the Excel sheet contains the data
This is the expected and wanted behavior, because this is not a number. The field is imported in the 3rd output raw in its native format, as explained in the documentation.
Or may you use readtable? This is the problem when not posting the code: Writing an answer requires guessing. If so, specify the 'Format' accordingly, such that this field is not interpreted as a number.