MATLAB: When using Matlab Online is it possible to save a file to a local computer drive

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Most of the time I use my home Matlab license or work Matlab license on a desktop. The Online version is useful for those few computers'
that do not have a local license residing on the machine. I can certainly upload files from my local machine onto the Matlab Drive but I can not find a means to take a file that I worked on with Matlab online and store it on a local disk drive so then I can useit elsewhere. Is it possible to store the file when I am done at a location other than the Matlab Drive. I can not instally the connector on the machines that do not have Matlab as I do not have admin privledges for those machines

Best Answer

Yes. There are 3 options that are explained in this post.
  1. Use the Download option in the toolstrip on the Home tab
  2. Use MATLAB Drive Connector
  3. Access MATLAB Drive online and download the file from there.