MATLAB: When this error comes—-‘Output argument “f” (and maybe others) not assigned during call to’

output argument not assigned during call to any

I am abit new to matlab.. wnat to know when i get an error of this type.. "Output argument "f" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to…" Any answer will be of great help..

Best Answer

It means you called a function and requested an output that was never created in the workspace of the function. Here's a simple example
function out=test(in)
in+1; %out not created

Now if I do the following, I get an error because I've asked for an output 'z', but a value for this is never created inside the function
>> z=test(1)
Error in test (line 3)
in+1; %out not created
Output argument "out" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "C:\Users\mjacobson\Documents\mwjtree\test\test.m>test".
Notice, however, that calling the function without output arguments
>> test(1)
gives no errors.