MATLAB: When I use app designer, it tells me error of ‘Value’ must be a character vector or a string scalar.

app designervalue' must be a character vector or a string scalar

I have write a script,I want to get tabulate(u), "u" is a matrix (200×1 double)。the result is as follows:
Value Count Percent
1 0 0.00%
2 0 0.00%
3 0 0.00%
4 0 0.00%
5 0 0.00%
6 91 45.50%
7 0 0.00%
8 109 54.50%
Then I want to do the script in app designer,I creat a edit field (text) which is used to display the tabulate.
but it always error:
then it tells "Error using matlab.ui.control.EditField/set.Value (line 98)
'Value' must be a character vector or a string scalar."
I have tried the string、num2str,it still doesn't work.

Best Answer

z1 is a table, and Value doesn't accept tables. You can create a UITable component and just assign z1 to it
app.UITable.Data = z1;
If you insist on EditField components, index into the table using curly brackets.