MATLAB: When I try to 3d plot the code, the plot comes out empty what should I add to fix this problem

3d plotsplot

F = [-40:20:40];
x = 0.1:0.8;
y = 0.1:0.4;
sigma_p = @(x,y) F/(.8*x*y);
sigma_mx = @(x,y) (F*y)/(1/12*(x)*(y)^3);
sigma_my = @(x,y) (F*x)/(1/12*(y)*(x)^3);
sigma_net = @(x,y) sigma_p(x,y) + sigma_mx(x,y) + sigma_my(x,y);
plot3(x, y, sigma_net(x,y))

Best Answer

To Mohsen
Actually, I don't know what exactly you want to do. But There are some problems in your code such as variable dimension(size), matrix(array) calculation...
check this out. hope this will be helpful for you.
F = [-40:20:40];
x = linspace(0.1,0.8,length(F));
y = linspace(0.1,0.4,length(F));
sigma_p = @(x,y) F./(.8.*x.*y);
sigma_mx = @(x,y) (F.*y)./(1./12.*(x).*(y).^3);
sigma_my = @(x,y) (F.*x)./(1./12.*(y).*(x).^3);
sigma_net = @(x,y) sigma_p(x,y) + sigma_mx(x,y) + sigma_my(x,y);
plot3(x, y, sigma_net(x,y))