MATLAB: When I save the figure using EMF the circles created with the rectangle function seem to have a white gap near the edge.


I am using the "rectangle" function to create circles by setting the 'Curvature' to [1 1].  I then export the resulting figure with circles to an EMF file and importing that file onto PowerPoint.  This is the command I am using:
  >> rectangle('Curvature',[1,1],'FaceColor','k','Position',[1,1,0.5,0.5],'LineWidth',0.1);
When I zoom into the figure in PowerPoint I notice that the circles have a slight gap between the circle edge and the black center of the circle.  If I then change the 'Curvature' slightly to:
   >> rectangle('Curvature',[0.9,0.9],'FaceColor','k','Position',[1,1,0.5,0.5],'LineWidth',0.1); 
The gap seen in PowerPoint disappears.  Why is there a gap?

Best Answer

The gap is caused by the way in which PowerPoint renders the vector information contained within the EMF file.  The same file renders correctly in Illustrator.  There are a couple workarounds:
1) You can increase the 'LineWidth' property of the "rectangle" so that it covers the gap.
2) You may want to use the "patch" function to create your own circles and then export the file using the EPS format.  This resulting file can also be imported into PowerPoint and renders without a gap.