MATLAB: When I run this function, it gives the error “Data ‘u_pr’ (#427) is inferred as a variable size matrix, while its specified type is something else.”. What is the solution for this problem? I will be happy for helps.

embedded matlab functionmatlab coder

function [opt_st, u_pr, y_pr, cv_pr] = fcn( nu, ny, Np)
opt_st = zeros(1); u_pr = zeros(nu,Np+1); y_pr = zeros(ny,Np+1); cv_pr =zeros(1);
[opt_st, u_pr, y_pr, cv_pr] = mpc_ea;

Best Answer

The variable u_pr is being declared as:
u_pr = zeros(nu,Np+1);
which means that it is variable size since its dimensions depend upon the inputs nu, Np, which are not known until run time.
You need to mark the output signal u_pr as being variable size in the ports and data manager:
and provide upper bounds for it there.