MATLAB: When I open previously saved FIG files they are opening all docked. How to open these FIG files undocked so that each figure has its own figure window


When I open previously saved FIG files they are opening all docked. How can I open these FIG files undocked so that each figure has its own figure window?

Best Answer

When opening saved FIG files, the files can open in docked fashion if the 'WindowStyle' property of the figure is set to 'docked' instead of 'normal'. You can refer to the documentation for more details about this property:
You can verify this scenario after opening one of those FIG files and executing the following command in the MATLAB Command Window:
get(gcf, 'WindowStyle');
This should output 'docked'. To ensure that all these FIG files can be opened in their separate windows follow the steps below:
1. Open each figure
2. Execute the following command in the MATLAB Command Window to set the 'WindowStyle' property to 'normal':
set(gcf, 'WindowStyle', 'normal');
3. Save each figure
In order to ensure that the property 'WindowStyle' for future figures are set to 'normal' you can execute the following command at the beginning of each new MATLAB session:
set(groot, 'DefaultFigureWindowStyle', 'normal');
On the other hand, you can create a "startup" file as mentioned in the documentation here:
and place the above command within that file. The "startup" file will be automatically executed during MATLAB starts each time and you do not have to manually execute the command manually each time.