MATLAB: When I import 6970 units column vector MATLAB computes really slow and inacurate

column vector

It tooks about 10 minutes and the result is wrong when evaluated. 671.451171875 turns like 0.0671. Why and how can I cope with that problem? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Look at the very top of the display of that variable. You should see the string "1.0e+04 *" above the display of that variable. That probably means you're using the default display FORMAT and your vector has data large enough as to require the scaling factor. That display format doesn't affect the actual values stored in the array, just how they're displayed. To show that:
format short
x = [671.4511, 1e4] % Note the scaling factor
x(1) % This displays 671.4511
Now change the display format and note the difference in how the array is displayed. But the first value is exactly the same as it was before.
format longg
x % This displays as [671.4511, 10000]
x(1) % Still displays as 671.4511