MATLAB: When i excute the model it always give me this massage Failed to load URL https://lo​calhost:31​515/toolbo​x/simulink​/simulink/​slmsgviewe​r/slmsgvie​wer.html?s​nc=CRW1E5 with error (-111).

Control System Toolboxmacroscopic traffic control system

when i excute my model it always give me this massage Failed to load URL https://localhost:31515/toolbox/simulink/simulink/slmsgviewer/slmsgviewer.html?snc=CRW1E5 with error (-111). i am blocked with this error some information about my work , my block diagram is make simulink in second order control traffic system i use matlab 2017B in macbook

Best Answer

This is probably due to a network configuration issue (proxy).
Make sure that any antivirus or firewall programs installed on your system are not blocking anything in the MATLAB installation directory.
Please also confirm that there is no IP protection software (eg: Symantec Data Loss Prevention) blocking communication. You may need to check with your IT, because sometimes these programs are hidden from end users.
If the network setting on your machine uses HTTP proxy, modify the network configuration to add an HTTP proxy exception.
In Windows, you can do this by :
Going to Control Panel -> Network settings -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN Settings -> turn on "Use a proxy server for your LAN" -> turn on "Bypass proxy server for local addresses"
If a proxy server is used, you could also check if it is properly set in MATLAB.
To do so: Please enter the proxy server details in the MATLAB Preferences tab that can be opened from the Home Tab in the MATLAB toolbar.
Home -> Preferences -> Expand MATLAB tab -> Web
This should hopefully resolve the error.
If it does not here are some more things that you could try to narrow down the source of the issue:
1) Does the following command execute as expected?
>> uifigure
2) Do you get an error for this? Please send the output.
>> c = matlab.internal.webwindow(connector.getUrl('/'));
3) Does this open up the MathWorks page?
>> [a,b] = system(sprintf('"%s"',fullfile(matlabroot,'bin',computer('arch'),'MATLABWindow.exe')))
4) What does this give?
>> !ping localhost
>> type(fullfile(getenv('windir'),'System32\drivers\etc\hosts'))
5) Network configuration:
>> !ipconfig
6) Check if connector is running:
>> connector.isRunning
7) Gather some connector logs at startup by setting logger environment variables from a shell:
>> set MW_DIAGNOSTIC_DEST="file=C:\temp\connector.log"
>> set MW_DIAGNOSTIC_SPEC="connector::http::server=all"
>> matlab.exe
(The created connector.log should show if the connector started up fine and was able to connect back to its own server socket on both ipv4 and ipv6 loopback interfaces.)
8) If the connector certificate match failed for some reason, the solution would be:
a) Use the following command in MATLAB to go to prefdir.
>> cd (prefdir)
b) Rename the file thisMATLAB.pem and c) restart MATLAB.
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