MATLAB: What’s wrong with the code

gauss jordan elimination

I wrote a code to solve a system of linear equation (a circuit consists of 4-meshes) using Gauss-Jordan elimination method,, but the problem is that the code doesn't display the x-column
this is my code
%Reading the values of resistors, voltages,
R=input(' Enter the values of resistors in k ohm , [ R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 ] = ');
V=input(' Enter the values of voltages in volt , [ V1 V2 ] = ');
%Describe the resistor matrix R
R= [ R(8)+R(5)+R(3) , -R(5) , 0 , -R(3) ;
-R(5) , R(7)+R(1)+R(4)+R(5) , -R(4) , 0 ;
0 , -R(4) , R(2)+R(6)+R(4) , -R(6) ;
-R(3) , 0 , -R(6) , R(6)+R(9)+R(3) ];
%Describe the voltage matrix V
V= [ V(1) ;
0 ;
0 ;
V(2) ];
%mesh currents in mA using Gause-Jordan Elimination method
C=[R,V]; %augmanted matrix
for j=1:4
for z=2:4 %pivoting
if R(j,j)==0
for i=j+1:4 %Convert the elements below the major diagonal to zeros
R(i,:)= R(i,:)-R(j,:)*( R(i,j)/R(j,j) );
for j=4:-1:2 %Convert the elements above the major diagonal to zeros
for i=j-1:-1:1
R(i,:)= R(i,:)-R(j,:)*( R(i,j)/R(j,j) );
for s=1:4 %Convert the elements on the major diagonal to ones
R(s,:)= R(s,:)/R(s,s);
x(s)= R(s,4);
disp (' Gause-Jordan Elemination method: ');

Best Answer

...the code doesn't display the x-column
Bad syntax in
disp (' Gause-Jordan Elemination method: '); R x'
Matlab can't tell R the variable from a supposed function of the same name here. Try sotoo...
disp (' Gause-Jordan Elemination method: '); disp([R x'])
BTW, you might look at
doc \
unless the use of G-J on your own is part of the assignment. Even if so, probably worth checking the comparative results.
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