MATLAB: What version of python is supported by r2017a


I have Matlab R2017a on a Mac (os 10.11.6) and would like to install the Matlab engine for python. Here (<>) it says that python 3.6 is supported, but when I try to install I get an error saying explicitly that python 3.6 is not supported. Do I need to update my Matlab version?
> cd /Applications/
> python install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 15, in <module>
'is %s' % _version)
OSError: MATLAB Engine for Python supports Python version 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5, but your version of Python is 3.6

Best Answer

The online documentation is for the current release of MATLAB (which is currently release R2018a) and as such may describe functionality not available to you if you're using an older release.
According to the Release Notes support for Python 3.6 was introduced in release R2017b. In release R2017a, Python 3.4 and 3.5 are supported.